Parker Andrew Bird
Born January 12, 2011
weighing in at 5 lbs 13 oz
and 18 inches long
Birth story-
We had a planned C section for the 12th of January. I was a little bummed it couldnt be the 11th since I thought it would be cool for a 1/11/11 birthday, but they were already over scheduled for that day. Im not going to lie, it was really weird knowing what day would be my babies birthday.
AJ and I arrived to the hospital at 8am on the morning of the 12. They got us in our room and got me hooked up to all the monitors. I was really anxious as I always get. They told us they were running a little late with the C section before me so it would be a little longer. All the nurses thought it was so cool that we didnt know what we were having. I was almost guaranteed it was a girl and I let everyone know that. Things were moving along and it was time to go to the OR. The plan was to have my cerclauge taken out after my spinal tap so that I would be numb and not feel it this time. which was ok with me!!! They got my spinal tap done and almost instantly I was numb. It took them forever to get my cerclauge out and finally they started the c section. I was so anxious to see what this little baby was going to be. It felt like forever until they said, "we see the baby, little blondie" All the sudden I heard crying and AJ looked down at me and told me it was a boy. Then all the doctors yelled out "its a boy" I was so shocked, but so happy that I had another little baby boy.. AJ went over with the nurses to get him all cleaned up. I couldnt believe how small he was. when the said how much he weighed I was so nervous that he would have to go to the NICU. The NICU nurses did a full exam on him and said he looked amazing. It was such a relief to know he was fine and didnt need to go there. That was my worry the whole time. AJ finally brought him over to me all wrapped up and I just couldnt help but just tear up and smile. I couldnt stop smiling. He was perfect in every way and I was so happy he made it here healthy and perfect. After they got me all sewed up we were taken to the recovery room. My
Parents showed up soon after with Conner. He was asleep in the stroller. We were finally taken to our room we would be staying in. Conner finally woke up and looked over at me and saw the baby. He instantly got up and came over. AJ lifted him up to see his new baby brother. I think he instally loved him. Whenever anybody wanted to hold him he would say "My Parker" it was so cute. I love my little family and am so happy to see what the future holds for us.
Parker is now a month old and I cant believe how much longer he is staying awake. He is starting to smile more and is just such a fun baby. Conner loves to help with his little baby brother (most days) I love my boys...