A few weeks ago Conner had his tonsils and adnoids out.
Ever since Conner was born , he has always been a little stuffed up even if he wasn't
sick. It took months and months of trying to figure out what was wrong. When we changed
pediatricians, (which I just LOVE his pediatrician now) she noticed that his
tonsils were rather large for his age. We kept a good eye on them until just a few months
ago when our specialist we were sent to demanded he get a sleep study.
WELL...... his sleep study results were Terrible..... so we scheduled surgery as soon
as we could.

This is Conner after surgery. He did so amazing. Especially for how
young he was. All the nurses at primary's just loved him and thought
he was the cutest thing ever. But who wouldn't!

Conner had to stay over night so they could keep and eye on his oxygen levels.
He hated the little board and wrap they had to put on him because of his
IV. There wasn't that much to do . We took him on a little wagon ride around the inside of
the hospital and he liked that. It was so funny though because our room was just a little tiny one.
it had a glass sliding door and huge window. We were right by the nurses desk, so when Conner would get bored he would walk over to the door and bang on it with his IV hand.
He loved to hit with that thing and I was SO glad when they finally took it off.
We are so glad this is over with and Conner is a different baby.. He is so much more happy
now that he can actually breath normal. He is sleeping better at night too.